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An Open Letter To Governor Carney On Putting Delaware Back To Work

Dear Governor Carney:

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and the necessary restrictions on economic activity enacted by the State, The Delaware Business Roundtable and the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce have been working together to provide our assistance to safely and responsibly enable a phased reopening of Delaware’s economy. At the outset, we want to be clear that we believe any action to reopen the economy must follow public health guidance to be certain Delaware does not experience a resurgence and put additional pressure on the state’s healthcare system.

We are writing today to offer two specific pieces of work:

COVID-19 Best Practices: This is a guidance document for Delaware’s business community, developed after surveying and discussing these issues with businesses statewide. We believe this document will provide a basic guide to businesses outlining essential activities they must consider as they execute a phased reopening. We are working to disseminate this document widely to our members and beyond;

Putting Delaware Back to Work: Economic Recovery in the First State: This is a series of strategic, long-term policy recommendations with consideration that the economic recovery from the pandemic will take far longer than any of us may have initially imagined. Thus, now is the time to make meaningful public policy changes and investments so that we can jumpstart efforts to create a higher skilled workforce, a streamlined regulatory approval process, easy access to broadband, and more.

(Note: Click on the images to download the documents. The full long-term economic document with recommendations can be found here.)

Many agree that the pandemic has brought to light some of the challenges Delaware faces in competing with other states for jobs, talent and investment. The goal is clear: we should act with urgency now! Why? So that in two or three years we can look back and assert unequivocally that in the midst of a national crisis Delaware leaders – representing both state and business interests – acted responsibly in the short term and also took the long view to put Delaware on a forward-looking, carefully considered path that resulted in economic prosperity for all Delawareans. We believe that, working closely with you and the General Assembly, many of the proposals articulated in the attached document should be enacted within the next 30 days as a means of generating jobs. As has been said before, we should never let a serious crisis go to waste; it’s an opportunity to do things we think we could not do before.

Given the state revenue update from DEFAC on Monday, making such investments will represent a considerable challenge. However, the combination of a carefully considered, phased reopening of Delaware businesses and the implementation of a series of strategic, long-term policy changes will put Delaware and our citizens in a healthy and economically secure position in the future. With appropriate spending prioritization, creative use of federal stimulus funds and a careful balance between use of state operating funds and the state’s bonding authority, we are certain that Delaware can meet this challenge.

As our State has seen in the past, a focused public-private partnership can surmount the most difficult challenges. Accordingly, we look forward to working collaboratively with you and your team on these urgent matters.


Rod Ward Katie Wilkinson

Chair, Delaware Business Roundtable Chair, Delaware State Chamber of Commerce

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