Delaware State Chamber of Commerce and Delaware Business Roundtable Submit Joint Statement on Senate Bill 21

WILMINGTON, DEL. (March 12, 2025) – Delaware has been the incorporating jurisdiction of choice for businesses seeking balance and predictability in matters of corporate law for generations. In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, changes to Delaware’s corporate law are inevitable. As a result, it is essential that adjustments are carefully and collaboratively considered.
We applaud Governor Meyer and the General Assembly for their leadership in addressing Delaware’s corporate franchise in the face of competition from other states that do not have the distinctive advantages of Delaware corporate law, including its expert judges on the Court of Chancery, talented corporate bar, rich caseload of decisions, and the willingness of its elected leaders to ensure that Delaware remains the gold standard for corporate law. Accordingly, the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce and the Delaware Business Roundtable support Senate Bill 21.
Delaware’s business community has always been committed to supporting policies that are in the best interest of our state. The State’s reliance on substantial sums coming from outside of the state to fuel state government spending demonstrates the need for pro-growth policies and diversification of the Delaware economy.